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Activity Tracker

Replace your static spreadsheet tracker

Visual Tracker

Automatically colour-code designs & drawings

Mobile App

Report progress easily in the field

Automated Handover Notifications

Send notifications to trades' mobile devices

Deliverables List & Reports

See and share all deliverables in one report

Workflow Templates

Build repeatable process workflows

Progress Audit Trail

Stay protected with a digital progress record


Baseline Scheduling

Transform your baseline into a production plan

Look-Ahead Planning

Update look-ahead plan based on data



QA Checklist

Assure quality and build Right First Time

Activity Sign-off

Get notifications and sign-off trades' work

Issue Sign-off

Get notifications when issues are flagged

Issue List & Reports

See and share all issues in one report

Issue Templates

Build repeatable issues workflows

Photo Documentation

Stay compliant with geo-tagged photos

Quality Audit Trail

Stay protected with a digital quality record



Commercial Dashboard

Link costs directly to your site activities

Commercial Look-Ahead

See forecasted costs from your programme

Commercial Planned Works Valuation

Easily valuate actual achieved planned works


Deliverables Dashboard

High-level milestones overview


Quality Dashboard

Spot quality issues and trends proactively



Run Rate & Performance Dashboard

Track team performance against the plan


Activity Drilldown

Identify challenges before they escalate





Track Free 1200x1200

Sablono Track Free replaces your existing spreadsheet tracker for simple progress reporting on-site.

Try it for free



Use Sablono to minimise defects, get to the root cause of quality issues and streamline your workflows to get it right first time.

The better QA system


Construction productivity software

Use Sablono to optimise your processes, remove communication blockers and work faster while minimising errors. 

"Sablono has been a game changer for us. We've been able to gain a better understanding of the site in real-time and collaborate more effectively between trades. The result was a significant improvement in our productivity rates and a greater ability to optimise our processes. Overall, we're thrilled with the outcomes."


Sam Breaks Morgan Sindall Construction
Morgan Sindall logo

Get the information you need faster

No more chasing information. Always know what's been done and what's not, thanks to a single source of truth. Real-time project data allows you to understand your project at the most granular level of who did what. Say goodbye to time-consuming back-and-forth emails and uncoordinated site walks. 

Get started with Sablono to stay ahead


Make fewer mistakes

Optimise your workflows and start streamlining your construction project. Set up highly detailed building sequences and create repeatable templates from the start based on what has been proven to work previously. Scale this approach across your project to work faster while keeping quality high. 
QA checklist

Optimise your processes

Sablono’s intuitive mobile app allows you to streamline the flow of trades and improve communication between your project partners. You can report directly from the site, remove communication barriers and simplify handovers through in-app notifications. You'll also get instantly notified as soon as issues occur. 
Apartment fitout - with person

Key features

Activity Tracker - Green Activity Tracker Replace disjoined Excel trackers with a single source of truth. Report progress in-the-moment and receive real-time progress updates.  Read More Mobile App​​ - Green Mobile App Report progress on-site from the Sablono app to save time. Read More Visual Tracker​ - Green Visual Tracker Add your drawings to automatically visualise the status of your project. Read More Automated Handover Notifications​​ - Green Automated Handover Notifications Automated handover notifications are sent to trades mobile devices to let them know that work is ready to start.  Read More QA Checklists​​ - Green QA Checklists Attach QA checklists to workflow activities to ensure that all required quality data is captured in one go. Read More layers Workflow Templates Capture processes in reusable templates and plan your workflows down to the most granular detail. Define activities, responsibilities and sign-offs. Add hold points, QA checklists and more. comment-alt Issue Templates Create reusable templates for issues which help you to standardise documented issues to streamline their resolution and ensure work always meets quality and compliance standards. Issue List & Reports​​ - Green Issue List & Reports See all issues raised and export PDF reports to streamline their resolution or as evidence of quality and compliance standards being met. Read More Commercial Planned Works Valuation​ - Green Commercial Planned Works Valuation Valuate actual achieved planned works at the push of a button and pay your subcontractors accordingly. Read More Commercial Dashboard​​ - Green Commercial Dashboard Link costs directly to your site activities to see what the status of your project means for your finances. Read More Commercial Look-Ahead​​ - Green Commercial Look-Ahead Unlock forecasted upcoming costs for your project based on your programme. Read More Deliverable Lists & Reports​​ - Green Deliverables Lists & Reports See all of your deliverables and export PDF reports to share progress in moments. Read More Planned vs Actual Dashboards​​ - Green Planned vs Actual Dashboards Understand how you’re progressing against your plan and adapt accordingly.  Read More Look-Ahead Planning​ - Green Look-Ahead Planning Update your look-ahead plan for the upcoming days, weeks and months based on reliable and highly granular progress data. Read More Baseline Scheduling​​ - Green Baseline Scheduling Transform your baseline into a detailed production plan and streamline the scheduling of more than 100,000 activities per project. Read More Progress Audit Trail​​ - Green Progress Audit Trail Digital records of everything that happens on your project are automatically saved in the progress audit trail. Read More shield-check Quality Audit Trail Create a fully accountable, connected digital audit trail of all quality-related data.


What is construction productivity software? Construction productivity software is a digital tool designed to help manage and streamline construction projects, optimise workflows, improve communication, and increase productivity. 
What sets Sablono apart from other construction productivity software? Sablono offers a single source of truth through real-time project data, highly detailed building sequences, and repeatable templates based on proven workflows. Sablono's customisable workflows, activity tracking, visual and mobile tracking, and QA and progress audit trials ensure that your construction project is completed to the highest standard, on time and budget. 
What features should I look for in construction productivity software? Some essential features of construction productivity software include activity tracking, visual trackers, mobile apps, automated handover notifications, and progress audit trails. 
How can Sablono help save time in construction projects? Sablono helps you optimise workflows, streamline communication with project partners, and gain real-time progress data on your construction project. This enables you to make informed, data-driven decisions, and increase overall productivity. Additionally, Sablono's mobile app allows direct reporting from the site, cutting down on time and data entry errors. 
How is construction productivity software different from traditional project management tools? Unlike traditional project management tools, construction productivity software is designed to not only digitalise your existing processes, but to optimise and transform your processes so you can work faster and smarter. 
How does construction productivity software improve communication between project partners? The software offers an intuitive mobile app that streamlines the flow of trades and facilitates communication between project partners. In-app notifications make handovers and reporting updates more accessible, removing communication barriers. 
Can construction productivity software help to prevent costly construction mistakes? Yes, by optimising workflows and providing accurate real-time data, construction productivity software can help prevent costly construction mistakes. In addition, the software creates a digital record of all quality and progress-related data, which can be used to uncover patterns and make informed decisions for future projects.