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Activity Tracker

Replace your static spreadsheet tracker

Visual Tracker

Automatically colour-code designs & drawings

Mobile App

Report progress easily in the field

Automated Handover Notifications

Send notifications to trades' mobile devices

Deliverables List & Reports

See and share all deliverables in one report

Workflow Templates

Build repeatable process workflows

Progress Audit Trail

Stay protected with a digital progress record



QA Checklist

Assure quality and build Right First Time

Activity Sign-off

Get notifications and sign-off trades' work

Issue Sign-off

Get notifications when issues are flagged

Issue List & Reports

See and share all issues in one report

Issue Templates

Build repeatable issues workflows

Photo Documentation

Stay compliant with geo-tagged photos

Quality Audit Trail

Stay protected with a digital quality record



Commercial Dashboard

Link costs directly to your site activities

Commercial Look-Ahead

See forecasted costs from your programme

Commercial Planned Works Valuation

Easily valuate actual achieved planned works

Baseline Scheduling

Transform your baseline into a production plan

Look-Ahead Planning

Update look-ahead plan based on data

Planned vs Actual Dashboards

Understand the performance of all teams



Track Free 1200x1200

Sablono Track Free replaces your existing spreadsheet tracker for simple progress reporting on-site.

Try it for free



Use Sablono to minimise defects, get to the root cause of quality issues and streamline your workflows to get it right first time.

The better QA system


Line of balance template (Excel)

You can download this interactive construction line of balance template to use on your projects and customise it to suit your needs. The best part? It's completely free.
Line of balance - original

What is a line of balance template?

Line of balance (LOB) is a scheduling method used in construction projects to coordinate the phasing of different construction activities and maintain the flow of work. It involves creating a timeline of the activities that need to be performed and ensuring that sufficient resources and manpower are available at the right time to complete each activity as planned. 

The line of balance helps to identify potential bottlenecks and adjust the schedule accordingly to avoid delays and ensure the project is completed on time.

This is extremely useful for construction projects that consist of repetitive steps, such as building high-rise apartments, house builds, long roads, tunnels, or railways.

Download your line of balance Excel template below. 

What is the purpose of a line of balance in construction?

A line of balance has four main purposes, each of which should make project management easier and more efficient:

  • To compare an objective with real progress: A line of balance allows you to see how the project is going in comparison to your original predictions, to see whether you are on track, behind, or ahead of schedule.

  • Examine knock-on effects: If a project has deviated from specific plans, a line of balance can help you understand the extent of the deviation and what knock-on effects may occur. This action can help prevent issues and further delays in the future.

  • Identity problem areas: A line of balance can highlight areas of your project that are causing an issue, and corrective action might be needed in a much quicker manner, which will save your project time and money in the long run.

  • Forecasting: Finally, a line of balance allows you to estimate how the rest of the project will perform and offers more data for an even clearer idea of when the project will get completed.

Using a line of balance has many benefits for your project management, including:

  • Optimised resource allocation: An LOB allows you to allocate resources where needed for repeated work activities and remove them where they are surplus.

  • Cost-effectiveness: An LOB offers plenty of information to help your projects become cost and time-effective.

  • Subcontractor management: With more information on a project's timings, you can easily manage your subcontractor timings and resources.

  • Prevent issues before they occur: Thanks to the predictions you can pull from your LOB, you can identify issues in advance and prevent them before they occur.

A better solution for construction planning

Relying on excel templates to plan your schedule can only get you so far. Sablono allows you to plan your construction process at an unprecedented level of detail and embed your full supply chain into one holistic, connected digital workflow.

Leverage intelligent project insights that help you to plan with greater precision. Connect all aspects of time, quality and cost. Transform your baseline into a production plan.


Connect your plan with your progress data

With Sablono, everything is connected. Clearly map out a plan of what will occur on your site and track your progress against this automatically. Import your existing schedule from several tools, so you don’t have to start from scratch.


Quickly scale your success

Sablono's built-in process creator enables you to create standardised sequences of works based on what the data says works best so you can quickly scale your success.   

Collaborate with ease

Rather than asking your teams to download excel and join the worksheet manually and hoping they all do it on time, Sablono enables you to bring internal teams and subcontractors into your projects.

Trades are assigned activities and report their progress in the Sablono app, then management approve or reject these activities based on predefined criteria.

Sablono collaboration

Take your production plan to the field

With Sablono, your schedule is connected to the actual construction site which means that updates are automatic, and everything is updated in real-time.